How to instantly improve your songwriting

There is a huge number of topics we could go into to make your songwriting more original and more self expressive, but I wanted to give you two quick ideas that you can begin experimenting with today (without needing to learn a lot of other preliminary skills first).    

1.   Write away from your guitar!  

Yes, you read correctly!  I challenge you to write your next song, using the guitar as little as possible.  I guarantee you that what you come up with will sound TOTALLY different from anything you have done before.  

This is because your creativity will not be restricted to the things you typically do on guitar, nor will you be limited to what you can physically play on guitar.  

You can begin with something as basic as tapping out rhythms for a guitar part using your hands and feet, or you can think about something broader such as the concept for a song (or even a whole album).  

Please do not dismiss the value of this powerful songwriting technique, I guarantee that you will be blown away by the results if you give it a try! 

A lot of the world’s greatest music has been written away from the songwriter’s/composer’s instrument.   
2.   Use your voice to sing melodic ideas instead of (or in addition to) simply improvising over chords with your guitar.  

Very, very few guitarists ever do this, and as a result, their phrasing ideas usually become somewhat repetitive (and very guitaristic in sound).  Using your voice to come up with melodic ideas and licks will make your solos sound much more organic, original and expressive.  

I first learned of this technique from one of the most original guitar players I know, who now plays with me in my band.  I was so blown away by his unique songwriting approach that I adapted it to my own playing with GREAT results. 

I highly urge you to give this technique a try, and watch your creativity soar!